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Q. Where can I find my kid's sports schedules & game time

A: Find the schedules on our Armand Larive athletics page and our TVs around the school. You can also find the schedules on Armand Larive's Facebook page and Instagram. 

Q. What are the required papers & tests that my kids need to play in-season sports?

A: Your child must have a sports physical renewed every two years (if your student got a physical on 10-1-2020, it is only valid on 10-1-2022), and a code of conduct/insurance policy page signed and filled out for every year of participation. They are required to take an Impact Test ( An impact test is a memory test that we use for concussions) every two years. 

Q. What are "Study Tables," and when do they occur?

A: Study Tables are required for students with one or more Fs in a class. They must be present for the entire week.

A: If they only fail one class, they can still practice and travel. If your student fails multiple courses, they cannot participate in any sports activity. 

A: Study table sessions will be held after school in the PSR room unless they're told differently by their coach.

Q. How many practices must my student attend before they can play? How long are practices?

A: It will vary based on who their coach is.

A: Practice is mandatory. Excused absences must be approved by their coach. Two or more unexcused absences from practices or games may result in dismissal from the team. 

Q. What if my child misses school part of the day due to being sick or having an appointment?

A: Excused absences are handled case by case. Please make sure you communicate with your student's coach/ school if they will either miss school or part of the day due to appointments/ sickness. 

Q: What are 'Sports Fees'?  

A: Sports fees are required for every student to participate in their desired sport. The funds help pay for referees and transportation fees. 

Q: What does my child need for away games?

A: Students can bring snacks/food. If possible, it would be ideal for your student to bring some cash in case their team stops at a local fast food restaurant for dinner after their event. 

Q: What if I want my student checked out by someone who is NOT their legal guardian? 

A: Please communicate with your child's coach by sending an email, text, or handwritten note 24 hours before your student's event departure. If there is an emergency situation, we will make an exception.